Count on Your Local Well Pump Specialists
If your well is not working at its peak, call the experts at Myers Bros Drilling & Water Service. As a full-service well drilling and pump contractor, we have the ability to tackle any well pump related problems. By testing your pump and checking the pressure, we can determine what needs to be done to get your well to properly pump water once again.
Get in touch with us if you need a new pump. We install Franklin and Grundfos pumps that are backed by a 5-year manufacturer’s warranty.
You’ll always receive the most competitive and honest pricing available on all our products and services. Ask us about our specials and promotions.

We Provide Well Pumps in the Following Areas
Frequently Asked Questions about Well Pumps
What is the cost of the pump, including installation and any additional equipment needed?
Every pump situation is different. We would have to come out to analyze your situation before we could give you.
Are there any warranties or guarantees provided with the purchase of the pump?
Most of our pumps have a five year warranty for any factory defects on the pump only.
What is the expected lifespan of the pump, and how often does it need maintenance?
Average lifetime of a pump is 12 to 15 years.
Are there any specific electrical requirements for the pump installation?
Most submersible pumps, runoff of a 240 V electric line.
What is the horsepower requirement for my well pump?
This depends on the depth of your well, and the gallons per minute needed for use.
How much water pressure do I need, and which pump can provide it?
An average water pressure is between 40 and 60 psi.
What are the differences between submersible pumps and jet pumps, and which is more suitable for my situation?
Submersible pumps can pump from a deeper depth, and produce more pressure and volume.
What is the depth and yield of my well, and how does that affect the choice of pump?
Deeper wells will require larger horsepower pumps.
What type of well pump do I need for my particular well system?
Typically we install submersible well pumps in some cases people are interested in hand pumps. You can call the office to discuss.